of all saxophone repair material created by Matt Stohrer, 2007-present. Last updated 10/25/23.
This is an index of all of the educational content I have created so far about saxophone repair. It is updated as I create new material. Some are articles, some are videos. Some are broadly applicable repair topics (example: how to seat pads), some are make or model specific (example: Conn locking screws), some are philosophical (example: The Unprofitable Valley). As of April 2023, there over 240 articles and videos in the index.
If you aren’t familiar with my work or wonder why I am doing this, you may want to read the disclaimer first. Some of this used to be the “Open Source Saxophone Project”. The ideals are the same, its just that it ended up being mostly me doing it and I was tired of administering two websites. If you would like to contribute, please get in touch.
I will continue to create new material and update this page, and I will keep making it freely available because I believe that is what is best for the saxophone. I continue to think about a better way to present this- perhaps as a downloadable Microsoft OneNote or something like that? Let me know if you have any ideas.
You can press ctrl-f in Windows or command-f on a Mac to search this page.
If you are enjoying this content and want to learn more about repairs, I highly recommend this book: The Woodwind Repair Manual by Reg Thorp.
All content on this website is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike.

Saxophone Repair Topics
Article: Why Overhaul a Saxophone
Article: I Timed a Saxophone Overhaul
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: How (and why!) To Set Up Side C, Side Bb, Side F# (nerd edition)
Video: Branford Marsalis Plays Ultra Rare Conn 10M Prototype
Video: Repairman’s Overview: The Clean-Oil-Adjust (COA)
Purchasing Advice
Video: Evaluating a Used Saxophone for Purchase
Article: Tools, Level One
Article: Tools, Level Two
Article: My Take-Home Tools
Article: Build A Workbench
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: The Best Screwdrivers
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Changing The Oil
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Effects of Not Changing the Oil
Video: Saxophone Repair Tip: Removing A Stuck Saxophone Roller
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Cleaning Rusty Pivot Screws
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Removing Stuck Rollers Using Heat
Article: How I Polish Silver Saxophones
Video: How To Polish Really, Really Stubborn Tarnish
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Cleaning Hinge Rods
Video: Saxophone Repair Tip: Easy Detail Polisher/Cleaner Trick
Video: Understanding Toneholes Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Video: Saxophone Repair Tip: Lacquer Toneholes After Leveling
Video: Saxophone Repair Short: The “Lost Mass” from Leveling Toneholes
Article: How To Install and Seat Saxophone Pads
Video: The Pop Test (first version) The Pop Test Version Two
Video: Bass Saxophone Pop Test
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: New vs. Used Pads
Video: Saxophone (Questionable) Repair Topic: Quik ‘N Easy Leak Detector
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: The Best Saxophone Pads
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: How To Put Shellac On Pads
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Sizing Sax Pads (And Why I Don’t Use Pad Sets)
Video: Saxophone Repair Tip: Making Pad Prick Holes Go Away
Video: (Questionable) Saxophone Repair Topic: My Chosen Pad Treatment
Video: Saxophone Repair Tip: Shellac Bed in Deep Key Cups
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: An Unscientific Look at Porous or Leaky Saxophone Pad Leather
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: What Leaks From Not Enough Shellac Looks Like And How To Fix It
Video: Saxophone (Quick) Repair Topic: Pad Ironing
Video: Porous (not airtight) Saxophone Pads on Magnahelic Example
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Do Soft Pads Feel Soft?
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic (Questionable): Cleaning Lacquer-Treated Pads
Video: Saxophone (Quick) Repair Topic: What Is That Red Stuff On Your Relacquered Horn
Video: Saxophone (Quick) Repair Topic: Original Painted/Enameled Saxophones from the 1920s
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Telltale Signs of a Re-plate with Super Obvious Example
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: “Gold Doesn’t Tarnish”?
Video: Saxophone Repair Tip: (Partially) Repairing Slightly Burned Vintage Lacquer
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Installing Riveted Resonators in Pads
Video: Saxophone Repair Tip: My Riveted Domed Resonator Choices & Reasons
Video: Saxophone Repair Tip: Plastic Resonators That Look Like The Old Selmer Ones
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Quickly Resize Seamless Riveted Resonators
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Resonators (Special Super Ramble-y Edition)
Key work
Article: Understanding Saxophone Key Fitting: Hinge Tube and Post Facing
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Post Fit
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Key Fit and the G#/bis Regulation
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Post Bushings
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Straightening a Rod, and Another Way
Video: Advanced Saxophone Repair Topic: Pivot Receiver Bushing and Post Washer
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Hinge Tube Mechanical Fit
Video: Saxophone Repair Tip: Inherent Key Adjustments
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: How To Straighten Bent Threads on a Hinge Rod
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Fitting Posts Down Around Hinge Rods/Post Fit
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Fitting Hinge Rod/Pivot Combo
Video: (Quick) Saxophone Repair Topic: Straightening Bent Hinge Tubes (Basic Example)
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic (Quick): Key Noise Without Keys
Article: Saxophone Hinge Tube Bushing
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: How To Change Front F Venting Height Relationship on Old Horns
Adjustment Materials
Video: Saxophone Repair Tip: Domed G#/bis Adjustment Materials
Video: Saxophone Repair Tip: Super Nice Natural Key Corks
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: What Does 80 Year-Old Key Cork Look Like?
Article: Saxophone Adjustment Materials: The Stohrer Method (I use a lot more natural cork these days, but the philosophy remains the same)
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Straightening Really Bent Keys
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Solder Wicking
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Dent Removal Example 1
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Dent Removal Example 2, Hollow Tapping (Questionable)
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Dent Removal Example 3
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Dent Removal Example 4 (Coyote Edition)
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Repairing Some Typical Long Term Damage on an old Selmer Tenor, Part 1 and then Part 2 and then Part 3 and then Part 4 and then Part 5
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: That Troublesome Selmer Dent Near The Octave Pip
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: What Dentwork Looks Like on the Inside
Neck Stuff
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: An Example of a Neck Tenon Leak
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Double Socket Necks
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Patching a Neck Pickup Hole
Original Setups
Video: Vintage Saxophone Original Setups: 1954 Selmer Super (Balanced) Action Tenor
Video: Vintage Saxophone Original Setups: Selmer Mark VI Alto, American Assembled, 1964
Video: Vintage Saxophone Original Setups: King Zephyr Special Tenor
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Band-Aids
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Making Shellac Sticks and then The Overhead View Version
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Razors are not all the same
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Hot Glue Choice (if you’re into it)
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Make Key Risers (The Dumb Way?)
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Making Replacement “Pearl” Rollers
Article: An Extremely Informal Comparison of Two Otherwise Identical Horns Save For Plating
Article: Ask a Saxophone Repairman: Should I Repad My Horn?
Article: Ask a Saxophone Repairman: Relaquering, Finding a Repair Person, Neck Cork, and More
Article: On The Forked Eb (aka Eb trill) On Vintage Saxophones
Article: A Possibly Wrong Primer On Engraving
Article: Saxophones On Which To Learn Repair
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic (Questionable): Stuck Roller Punch Out Jig
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Cork/Epoxy Risers – Long-Term Use Followup
Article/Gallery: Airstream Saxophone Repair Shop
Video: Repairman’s Quick Overview: My New Repair Shop
Video: Airstream Sax Workshop: Wood Stove Heat
Video: Airstream Saxophone Repair Shop 2015
Video: Airstream Sax Workshop: NEW, Upgraded Wood Stove for Heat
Video: Saxophone Repair Shop (in an Airstream) Tour: Introduction
Video: Saxophone Repair Shop (in an Airstream) Tour: The Teensy-weensy Lathe
Video: Saxophone Repair Shop (in an Airstream) Tour: Dent station
Video: Saxophone Repair Shop (in an Airstream) Tour: Tools
Video: Saxophone Repair Shop (in an Airstream) Tour: Supplies
Video: Saxophone Repair Shop (in an Airstream) Tour: Wrap-up
Make/Model Specific Information
Article: How To Say “Buescher”
Video: Repairman’s Overview: 1929 Buescher True Tone Alto Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview: 1959 Buescher “Super 400” Alto Saxophone
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Buescher Snap-On/Snap-In Pads and Resonators
Video: Repairman’s Quick Overview: Buescher 400 “Top Hat & Cane” Tenor Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Buescher True Tone Tipped Bell Soprano
Video: Repairman’s Quick Overview: Buescher Aristocrat with “Improved Method” Soldered Toneholes
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Selmer (USA) Padless Saxophone
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Pad Install With Buescher Snap-On Resonator
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Buescher Snap-On Spud replacement
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Buescher “Big B” Aristocrat tenor saxophone
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Example of Original Lacquer on a Buescher Big B
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Modern Borgani Saxophones
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Vintage Original Buffet Saxophone Resonators
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Buffet S1 Alto Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Buffet Super Dynaction Tenor Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Buffet Screw-in Saxophone Resonators (Installed)
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Buffet Saxophone “Sparkle Lacquer”
Article: Conn 6M “Transitional” Saxophones (comprehensive)
Video: Conn 6M “Transitional” Saxophones
Video: Old School Fix For Loose Conn Microtuner
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Conn New Wonder II Soprano Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Quick Overview: Conn F-mezzo Soprano Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Conn Transitional/Tranny Baritone Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Conn New Wonder I Tenor Saxophone (I was sour on this one because at the time these were being sold to unwitting folks as “basically the same as a 10M!”. I like them better now.)
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Conn F-Mezzo Soprano Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Quick Overview: Gold Plated Conn 12M Transitional Baritone Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview: 1925 Conn New Wonder II Alto Saxophone
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Assembly of the Conn Saxophone Microtuner
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Conn Pivot Screw Lock Screws
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Conn 10M Tenor Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Conn 26M and 30M “Connqueror” Alto and Tenor Saxophones
Video: Repairman’s Overview: C-Melody Saxophones (Super Rare Conn Used As Example)
Video: Saxophone Repair Tip: Conn Microtuner Work Holder
Video: Repairman’s Overview: 1929 Conn New Wonder Transitional (4M) Curved Soprano
Video: Repairman’s Brief Overview: Conn Virtuoso Deluxe Soprano Saxophone
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Old-Style Conn Saxophone Octave Mechanism
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Conn Saxophone Microtuner, Unsoldered
Video: Sax Repair Tool Review: Conn Microtuner Disassembly Tool
Video: Repairman’s WHAAAAT: Conn 10M Prototype Neck Magic
Video: Branford Marsalis Plays Ultra Rare Conn 10M Prototype
Video: Repairman’s Overview: 1950 Conn 28M CONNstellation Alto Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Conn 10M Prototype Tenor Saxophone
Video: Saxophone Repair Tip: Resoldering Conn NWII Microtuner
Article: Original 1931 Conn Alto Saxophone Warranty Booklet
Article: Low C# Stiff On A Conn 10M
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Conn 6M Low Eb “watershed” Feature (and why it is cool)
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Conn 30M & 26M Left Hand Pinky Table
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Conn 30M & 26M Low C# Key (and why it is cool)
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Pre-War Conn 6M Alto Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Quick Overview: The Conn-O-Sax!
Video: Repairman’s Quick Overview: Conn C Soprano Saxophone (Key of C)
Video: Repairman’s Show & Tell: Conn Transitional Alto Saxophone in Rare Burnished Gold Finish
Couf (Keilwerth)
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Couf Superba I Tenor Saxophone
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Unique Couesnon Tonehole
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Couesnon Monopole I Alto Saxophone
Video: Saxophone Repair Tip: Holton 232 Alto Saxophone Octave Mechanism
Article: Early Keilwerth Altos
Video: Repairman’s Overview: 1930s Keilwerth Alto Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview: 1947 Keilwerth New King Series II Saxophone
Video: Vintage Saxophone Original Setups: King Zephyr Special Tenor
Video: Repairman’s Quick Overview: 1939 King Zephyr Special Tenor Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview: King Zephyr Special Saxophones
Video: Repairman’s Overview: King Super 20 and Zephyr Special Saxophone key pearls
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: King Super 20 Octave Mechanism
Video: Repairman’s Overview (Sprawling Mess Edition): King Super 20 Saxophones
Video: Repairman’s Overview (shorter version): King Super 20 Saxophones
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic (Niche): King Super 20 Eb/C Key Bumper Modification
Gallery: A King Feast
Video: Repairman’s Overview: 1954 Kohlert Winnenden Tenor Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Leblanc Rationnel/Semi-Rationnel Alto Saxophone (not overhauled)
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Martin “The Martin”/Committee III Tenor Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Martin Committee II Alto Saxophone
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Martin “The Martin” Alto & Tenor Saxophone Neck Octave Key Spring
Video: Repairman’s Overview: 1927 Martin Handcraft Soprano Saxophone
Article: Fitting a Martin Committee (“The Martin”) Neck
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Martin Magna Tenor Saxophone, original gold plate
Video: What does the “RMC” mean on a Martin Saxophone?
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic (Quick): Martin Toneholes, Unsoldered
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Powell Silver Eagle Saxophone
Video: Vintage Saxophone Original Setups: Selmer Mark VI Alto
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Selmer Octave Mechanism Witness Mark
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Original Selmer Saxophone Resonators (Tonex and Plastic)
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Selmer Mark VI Alto Saxophone with Low A
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Late Selmer Mark VI Alto Saxophone Factory-Installed Bow Patch
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Fully Engraved 1932 Selmer “Cigar Cutter” Alto Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Quick Overview: Selmer Balanced Action Alto and Tenor Saxophones
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Selmer Balanced Action Tenor & Alto Saxophone
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Original Lacquer Overspray on Vintage Selmers
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Selmer Radio Improved Alto Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview Correction: 1930s Selmer Geared Octave Mechanism
Video: Repairman’s Quick Overview: 1929 Selmer Soprano Saxophone with 1939 Engraving
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Selmer Sax Spring-Loaded Pivot Screw Receivers
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Selmer (USA) Padless Saxophone
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: How To Fit That Weird G# Rod/Pivot Combo on Selmer BA/SBA
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: That Troublesome Selmer Dent Near The Octave Pip
Video: Repairman’s Show And Tell: Gold Plated Selmer Mark VI Alto Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Show And Tell: Gold Plated Selmer Super (Balanced) Action Tenor Saxophone
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: (Questionable) Method to straighten Early Selmer Bell-to-body Brace
Article: Lacquer Overspray on Original Lacquer Selmer Saxophones
Article: The Original Mark VI Booklets In Their Entirety
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic (Questionable): Replacing The Blue on the Selmer Logo
Video: Repairman’s Overview: SML Rev. D Tenor Saxophone
Video: SML Saxophone Feature Overview: Removable Neck Tightening Ring
Video: Repairman’s Downer: “Gold Plated” SML Saxophones: It’s not gold
Video: Repairman’s Overview: SML Coleman Hawkins Special (Part One, Pre-Overhaul)
Video: Repairman’s Overview: SML Coleman Hawkins Special Saxophones
Article: Black Pearls on Wartime SML Coleman Hawkins Special Tenor
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Vibrato Plastic Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Yamaha “Purple Logo” YSS-62 Soprano Saxophone
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Vintage Yamaha purple logo 62R vs. modern Yamaha 82ZR
Video: Saxophone Repair Tip: How To Fix Loose Yamaha Adjusting Screws
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Yanagisawa 880 Tenor Saxophone
Article: Yanagisawa Factory Tour
Mouthpieces & Accessories
Video: Swollen Reed on a Flat Mouthpiece Table (My first video! Was not actually meant for public consumption.)
Article: Otto Link (The Man Himself) Refacing Article, 1950
Video: Repairman’s Overview: MeYeR Bros. New York alto saxophone mouthpiece
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Selmer Scroll Shank (Soloist) Saxophone Mouthpieces
Video: Old Saxophone Reeds
Video: Original Selmer Saxophone Springs
Video: Vintage Saxophone Mouthpiece Blank Before Finishing
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Best of the Berg Larsen Mouthpieces
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Vintage Otto Link Tone Master Baritone Saxophone Mouthpiece
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Vintage Dukoff Saxophone Mouthpieces
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Vintage Woodwind Co. New York Saxophone Mouthpieces
Video: Repairman’s Overview: Otto Link (New York) Tone Edge Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece, Original Box
Video: Saxophone Repair Topic: Hard Rubber Mouthpiece Dent Removal
Article: The Unprofitable Valley, or: Why So Much Stuff Is Mediocre
Article: On Learning a Craft
Article: Nobody Was Here
Article: Handmade in Wherever
Article: Why The Saxophone Is Beautiful and it is also in video form
Article: Putting Time Back On The Clock