Couesnon Monopole II low A alto, original finish, just overhauled by me. The “other” low A alto, and keyed to high G. Plays fantastic, supremely even and in tune, and low Bb sounds like a regular low Bb (unlike Selmer low As, oftentimes). Low A also works with one key, and not at the expense of adding low A once low Bb is already engaged, which is the typical tradeoff with Selmers.
This was a very challenging overhaul. The extra range creates a lot of extra keys, and a lot of extra connections that have to be just right to feel snappy and not spongy or slow. I take pride in my work, but I would say that it is infrequent that I feel straight up proud. This is such an occasion. The keywork feels as snappy- from low A to high G- as a pristine, just overhauled 6M, and the tone is beautiful. Intonation is very good, and the horn is not only unique and rare but also eminently usable. I have become a big fan of Couesnon Monopole I and II horns over the past year or so, and this saxophone, a rare Monopole II variant, was everything I hoped it would be.
I have captioned some of the photos to point out interesting/unique bits of keywork and such, if you care to scroll through.
Too good not to share. I wish you could play it, and I wish I could be there to see you play it. What a horn.
Photos have a caption when you click them.